Sunday, April 22, 2018

A Few Minutes More

There is something thoughtful about sitting in ones living room as the last of the day is fading into 8:20 pm. (Living so far north is still cool and weird to me.) A summer smelling candle casts a warm glow over the room, and friendly shadows dance on the walls. The dishwasher chugs away, a sign of tasty meals prepped, and a clean kitchen to start the week off. The tiny, stir crazy dog is finally at rest, snoring softly in my lap. The chorus of chirps from tiny frogs can be heard roaring through the closed windows.

I feel a soft sadness, great grief, and an unfamiliar peace. Unfamiliar because it feels different. New. Unexplored.

I think...that I will sit here for a few minutes more.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

This looks like a deep and powerful place to be. My only question is....Why are you still wearing shoes? Free those piggies!!