Sunday, January 8, 2012

Cable Mitts and Game Day Church

This morning I finished my fingerless mitts!

I looooove them! Worth every size 6 stitch and cable! Even worth the other thumb re-do. This evening we checked out a new church! Amazingly there were people there. (The town gets pretty empty on Bronco Game Days, we thought a playoff day would be even more so.) Turns out they had a TV on in one of the side rooms and the service started about 10 min later. We enjoyed the service and plan to check out the first service next Sunday as Luke has the day off. The irony: they were doing a shoe donation and it was Luke's first day wearing his good for his feet Christmas work shoes and I was wearing my Danskos. Sigh. So selfish. Actually not too bad though because Luke's boss coordinates the program so our goes go to them anyway! I'll let you know how next Sunday goes. We may have found our home church! Say a little prayer! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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